My own Trash the Dress | Botany Bay | Billie Jo & Jeremy Photography

October 15, 2014  •  2 Comments

I never really gave a thought to what I would do with my wedding dress after the big day. I figured I would just save it in a nice box in my closet- but how boring is that? Once I discovered the concept of "trash the dress/say yes to the mess" I was hooked. Six years after getting married I booked a session with the amazingly talented duo at Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. We met at Botany Bay in Edisto on a gorgeous day with very strange weather. As I parked my car I noticed a massive black cloud very quickly approaching the beach. I figured we would either be totally rained out or it would provide an amazing, tumultuous background for our shoot. Thankfully, the latter prevailed though we all got pretty wet. 

There are some people who criticize this practice but I have to say this was a very fun and positive experience for me. It rained the day before our wedding so the ground was wet, which pretty much destroyed the bottom of my dress. I tried cleaning it, keeping in mind that I could very well donate the dress to be worn or transformed into something else. The intricate beading was also coming undone, making it very unlikely that the dress could be used again.

Billie Jo and Jeremy did a phenomenal job on this shoot. They were sports about weathering the bits of rain and were totally game for getting in the water with me. I was so thrilled with them that I hired them to photograph both my business shoot and my personal family shoot. They are going to be sick of editing me:) 

To check out more of Biilie Jo and Jeremy's wonderful work click HERE.

(*Disclaimer: 'trash the dress' while fun, can be a very dangerous practice when involving water. In the recent past there have been a few casualties and brides have drowned. Never fully submerge in water in a wedding dress. I stayed waist-deep as did my friend Mikaela on her shoot.*)


My Trash the Dress | Botany Bay


Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography. Trash the dress, Botany Bay.Photography by Billie Jo and Jeremy Photography.



Lori Zmolek(non-registered)
I love all of these so much I got the chills just viewing them!!! Great job on this project I don't find anything controversial about the idea of the concept, the photos are timeless and gorgeous!!! I'd like to order a couple if I could!??
lynda kelsesky king(non-registered)
~ this is taking my breath away~ the images are so beautiful and so powerful~ knew they would be~
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